Learned Society of Wales welcomes continued funding for the Frances Hoggan Medal
The Society is pleased to announce that the Welsh government has committed to support our Frances Hoggan medal for outstanding research by women in STEMM for a further five years.
The medal is awarded annually in recognition of an outstanding contribution to research in any area of STEMM research, by a woman with a connection with Wales.
Minister for Education Kirsty Williams said:
Young people have become considerably more interested in a career in science, medicine, engineering or mathematics since the Covid-19 pandemic. By sharing stories of female role models working in STEMM and recognising their achievements through the Learned Society of Wales’ annual celebration of the Frances Hoggan awards, we can help inspire and motivate more girls and women to study STEMM.
This year’s medal will be awarded in May, along with the Dillwyn Medals for Early Career Researchers, the Menelaus Medal for Engineering and Technology, and the Hugh Owen Medal for Educational Research. The deadline for 2020-21 medal nominations is 5.00pm on 30 March 2021.
On 27 April, the Society will host an ‘In conversation’ event, which will see previous recipients of the Hoggan medal, Professor Dame Jean Thomas, Professor Tavi Murray and Professor Haley Gomez discuss their careers with the journalist Elin Rhys.